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        当前位置: 首页 >> 研究院概况 >> 师资队伍 >> 正文
        发布时间:2021-11-09       发布者:       浏览次数:


            都韶婷博士,浙江海宁人,教授,长期从事污染环境生物修复方向的研究。已主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、省部级项目4项。以第一作者或通讯作者身份在Journal of Hazardous Materials、Environmental Pollution、Plant Cell & Environment、Journal of Experimental Botany、Chemosphere、Food Chemistry、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry等国内外权威期刊上发表论文30余篇,授权国家发明专利7件,入选浙江省“151”第三层次人才。





        [1] Rhodococcus qingshengiifacilitates the phytoextraction of Zn, Cd, Ni, and Pb from soils bySedum alfrediiHance.Journal of Hazardous Materials.2021. 127638

        [2] Abscisic acid-catabolizing bacteria: A useful tool for enhancing phytoremediation.Science of The Total Environment. 2021. 151474

        [3] Graphene oxide decreases Cd concentration in rice seedlings but intensifies growth restriction.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021. 417: 125958

        [4] Inoculation with abscisic acid (ABA)-catabolizing bacteria can improve phytoextraction of heavy metal in contaminated soil.Environmental Pollution. 2020. 257: 113497

        [5] Graphene oxide exposure suppresses nitrate uptake by roots of wheat seedlings.Environmental Pollution. 2020. 262: 114224

        [6] Abscisic acid (ABA)-importing transporter 1 (AIT1) contributes to the inhibition of Cd accumulation via exogenous ABA application in Arabidopsis.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020. 391: 122189

        [7] Zn stress facilitates nitrate transporter 1.1-mediated nitrate uptake aggravating Zn accumulation inArabidopsisplants.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.2020. 190: 110104.

        [8] Abscisic acid-generating bacteria can reduce Cd concentration in pakchoi grown in Cd-contaminated soil.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2019. 177: 100–107

        [9] Inoculation withBacillus subtilisandAzospirillum brasilenseproduces abscisic acid that reduces IRT1-mediated cadmium uptake of roots.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.2018.66: 5229–5236

        [10] Aquatic plant debris changes sediment enzymatic activity and microbial community structure.Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2018. 25: 21801–21810

        [11] Slow-release nitrogen fertilizers can improve yield and reduce Cd concentration in pakchoi (Brassica chinensisL.) grown in Cd-contaminated soil.Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017. 23(24): 25074-25083

        [12] Elevated CO2-induced production of nitric oxide (NO) by NO synthase differentially affects nitrate reductase activity inArabidopsisplants under different nitrate supplies.Journal of Experimental Botany. 2016. 27(3): 893–904

        [13] Toxic effects of graphene on the growth and nutritional levels of wheat (Triticum aestivumL.): short- and long-term exposure studies.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2016. 317: 543–551

        [14] Reduced graphene oxide induces cytotoxicity and inhibits photosynthetic performance of the green algaScenedesmus obliquus.Chemosphere. 2016. 164: 499–507

        [15] Properties of nitrogen fertilization are decisive in determining the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2on the activity of nitrate reductase in plants.Plant Signaling & Behavior.2016. 11: e1165380

        [16] Atmospheric application of trace amounts of nitric oxide enhances tolerance to salt stress and improves nutritional quality in spinach (Spinacia oleraceaL.).Food Chemistry.2015. 173: 905–911

        [17] Aquatic plant debris improve phosphorus sorption into sediment under anoxic condition.Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2013. 20: 8237–8244

        [18] Mild Fe-deficiency improves biomass production and quality of hydroponic-cultivated spinach plants (Spinacia oleraceaL.).Food Chemistry.2013. 138: 2188–2194

        [19] Mutation of mpk6 enhances cadmium tolerance inArabidopsisplants by alleviating oxidative stress.Plant and Soil.2013. 371: 387–396

        [20] Iron uptake system mediates nitrate-facilitated cadmium accumulation in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants.Journal of Experimental Botany.2012. 63(8): 3127–3136


        [1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目、41977145、外源脱落酸及其摄入转运体AIT1协同减控植物镉积累的机制及其应用潜力研究、2020.1–2023.12、在研。

        [2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目、30900170、植物对大气NO浓度升高的生长响应及机理研究、2009.1–2011.12、结题。

        [3] 浙江省自然科学基金、LY21D010005、脱落酸代谢菌-植物联合强化重金属污染土壤修复效率的机制研究、2021.1–2023.12、在研。

        [4] 浙江省公益技术应用研究项目、2017C32001、土壤产脱落酸菌减控蔬菜作物积累的机制及应用研究、2017.1–2018.12、结题。


        [5] 浙江省自然科学基金、LY14C130001、土壤产脱落酸(ABA)微生物阻控植物镉吸收的作用及相关机制研究、2014.1–2016.12、结题。

        [6] 浙江省自然科学基金、Y5090106、“水蚯蚓-微生物共生”污泥减排系统强化除磷机理的研究、2009.1–2011.12、结题。


        [1] 一种提高锌污染土壤植物修复效率的方法.国家发明专利.ZL201810777680.6

        [2] 一种降低种植在镉污染土壤中的蔬菜体内镉含量的方法.国家发明专利.ZL201510590310.8

        [3] 双氰胺在镉污染农田中的应用.国家发明专利.ZL201410198948.2

        [4] 适合不同缓冲性镉污染农田蔬菜作物种植的氮肥管理方法.国家发明专利.ZL201410766673.8

        [5] 一种广谱性铁肥增效剂及其使用方法.国家发明专利.ZL200910097272.7

        [6] 去除畜禽粪便堆制肥中类固醇雌激素的方法.国家发明专利.ZL 201210387747.8

        [7] 一种拟南芥的水培方法.国家发明专利.ZL200710071562.5


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        [2] 2021年第七届浙江省国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛金奖


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        [4] 2020年第五届全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛一等奖1项、三等奖1项

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